Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I am so freaking sick it's unbelievable! Seriously. Right now being hung upside down by my toenails actually sounds more appealing than the way I feel. And of course, it couldn't come at a better time, I have my final daycare inspection tomorrow and guess who it is? PUBLIC HEALTH! How's that for ironic? We're also supposed to go to mass as it is Ash Wednesday, that is a Holy Day of Obligation. I may just not make it. End rant.

On a good note, we got some Finches for the kids this weekend! We LOVE them! Yes, we'd own a zoo if we could. There is a reason behind these birds though. We had to re-home Sydney's fire-bellied toad, that she bought with her very own money because they aren't allowed in daycare homes. We have 4 total. 2 shaft-tail finches, they are GORGEOUS, google them! And 2 zebra finches because they were cute and already known to be a pair. They even came with 4 eggs, that probably won't hatch, but the pet store lady just had to send them, so that even if they did have a chance, she wouldn't feel bad. Of course my kids were in absolute awe. I'll take pictures of the new additions when I feel a little better than death and can locate the cameras.

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