Friday, February 27, 2009


~I am finally getting to know my neighbors! I was hoping that would happen as the weather slowly started warming up. They are all very nice! Today we are going to go with one of our neighbors and their children to Chuck E. Cheese because the big kids have a half day. We also have a scheduled power outage today. Another one of our neighbors was outside yesterday and inquired what size Lucas was. She then proceeded to give me a HUGE pile of clothes for him! It's all in excellent condition too! I think there were 11-12 pairs of jeans in there! He won't wear the jeans for at least another year or so, but that alone probably saved me a couple hundred dollars! The shirts he can probably start wearing now. My wonderful Aunt that is going to be Aubrey's Godmother also sent us a large box of clothes. Most of those fit Lily and a few things for Lucas. Now they are going to force me to go through Aubrey's closet and find a home for all of the clothing I need to find a home for!

~ So yesterday I needed to take Sydney to the Drs for a persistant sore throat. So far, strep is negative and the nurse is suspecting allergies. While we were waiting, I chatted with a man that had a son about the same age as Lucas. His son had the infamous Skechers Hot Lights Shoes (they are policeman shoes that light up like a policecar) that Lucas has wanted for over a year. However, Lucas didn't have big enough feet last year. So, I called Kohls when we got home and much to my amazement, they had TWO pairs in his size AND they were on sale! We decided not to wait, and headed out to Kohls. Sydney found a new backpack on sale, Lily found a pair of clearance shoes, Gerald found a clearanced jacket, and I bought a pair of jeans that wasn't 50 sizes too big on me! I am a little confused about sizing though. I own a pair of 5/6 jeans that is too big, yet the 5 at Kohls was a little tight. I could easily button them, but I swear if I gained 2 lbs, I'd be uncomfortable. So I went with 7s and they are SO comfy!

~ Gerald is testing for promotion on Monday. We won't have the results until the summer or fall, so just cross everything, pray, meditate, do whatever it is that you do that could possibly increase his chances for promotion! We and our checking account would really appreciate it!

Well, I better not waste the few precious hours I have left before I drag all 4 children to see the big ol' rat! Mt. Laundry had grown once again and is looking to erupt if I don't tend to it soon!
Have a great day everyone!

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