Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The cops just left...

A few hours ago, one of our girls had her first (and hopefully last) brush with the law.

Aubrey thought it would be great fun to put a phone call into 911! I grabbed the phone from her and hung it up, not realizing the call had gone through because she had dialed a bunch of numbers along with it. I'm amazed at how quickly they call back! We assured them we were all fine, but just to be sure we weren't being forced to say that, an officer still had to pay us a visit. She stepped inside, (poor lady, she'll probably be puking and pooping by tomorrow) and saw that we were ok and laughed that the baby had pranked them, made a comment about our "full house", apologized for disrupting us (we were doing the same to her!), and was on her way.
I'm glad we have such an understanding and prompt police force, but I hope I don't have to see them again for a loooooong time! We'd made it over 8 yrs without a fake call to 911, so I guess we were due.

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