Sunday, March 15, 2009

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

My baby boy turned 4 today.

When I am not running between cleaning up blow out poopy diapers from Aubrey, washing clothes from near misses to the toilet with Lucas, and dosing up Lily with Motrin, I will come back and post a proper birthday post with pictures and all.

I just wanted to post Happy Birthday to my bestest little boy because it seems everyone else has forgotten... :( I wish he didn't have to spend most of his birthday sitting on the toilet. Say your prayers that he's all better by Sunday in time for his party!

1 comment:

PSUMommy said...

I didn't know today was his birthday! Happy Birthday little guy!!! And...FOUR??? Really? No. Can't be. He still should be the little baby that I met!

Many hugs to you, I hope everyone is feeling better ASAP!