Wednesday, March 18, 2009

3 down, 1 to go...

Yep. 3 of the 4 kids are sick. I've dealt with strep throat, diahrreah, puking(Gerald was the lucky one to deal with this), and fevers. I am praying, begging, and pleading for it to be done! I'm not sure I can handle much more of this! Aubrey became a limp noodle last night while she was still awake and just laid on Gerald. We knew something wasn't right. Within 30 minutes, she was blazing hot with a fever. I have been cloroxing away trying to get rid of all this nasty. It really needs to be gone by the party on Sunday and REALLY REALLY needs to be gone before my little daycare boy starts on Monday! So please, say your prayers, cross you fingers, send us get well vibes, or whatever so the illness will check out of the Sims Household!

Here's to a Happy and Healthy April!

I have not forgotten about Lucas' birthday post. It is coming. I promise!

1 comment:

PSUMommy said...

We're right there with you...puke, poop, fevers, congestion...BLAH. I hope yours ends soon!