Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Yesterday was an AWESOME day!

First, I had an interview with the parents of a 4 month old little boy. He was absolutely darling! They had interviewed with one other provider before coming over and after our interview they said they'd talk it over that evening and give me a call the next day (today). They left, and I'm not kidding, about 2 minutes after they were gone, my phone rang and it was them. The father said it didn't take them long to decide and they wanted to bring him here! YAY! I am SO excited! I know I've only met them for about 45 minutes, but based on past experiences, they seem like great people. They don't seem to be nitpicky parents, but they do care. They also seemed to be genuinely nice people. He'll be starting care on March 23rd. I can't wait!

Next, the two little ones and I decided to try our hand at Kroger. I researched the ad, gathered my coupons and off we went. Kroger is doing a deal right now where you can get $5 off for buying 10 of a certain item. They let you do this up to 3 times per transaction. You can also use coupons for the items, and if they are .50 or less, they double! I did need to buy 3 things at full price. But, I got 40 items, there are 14 bags of rice cakes and 5 of the baby fruit puffs, that are hard to see in my photo. I spent $44.81. I saved $64.96! That's a 60% savings!

We also stopped back by walgreen's to get my free bottle of body wash and it just so happens that the register printed me out another coupon for ANOTHER free bottle! So I got a bonus deal of buy 1 get 2 free! Can't beat that! I won't bore you with anymore pictures of my Walgreen's loot, but I will tell you that I got over $70 worth of stuff for $28. We won't ever need to buy toothpaste or toilet paper again, I don't think! LOL! And that's not including the rebate I've got coming that should be somewhere around $15-20.

Then we had the perfect ending to my perfect day. It was over 70 degrees outside, so after I put away all the groceries, I took the kids out to play. We sat with the neighbors for well over an hour and Aubrey and Lucas were just in their glory being outside. Aubrey and I came in and took a little catnap on the couch while Gerald grilled us some hotdogs for dinner. It was starting to feel like summer, until I woke up and and the cold front had come in and it was about 50 degrees outside!

All in all, a wonderful day!


Carrie said...

I like seeing what other people buy. We got a lot of the same stuff!

Aric, Marisa and Isaac said...

Congratulations on your first customer (I didn't want to say baby and have people freak out), ha ha!!

One of these days I will need to learn how to coupon.