Tuesday, December 9, 2008

To worry or not to worry...

That is the question.

So, Aubrey had her 1 year well child check up yesterday. The Doctor says that her head circumference is beyond what it should be for her age. He suggested a CT scan to rule out hydrocephaly. Under normal circumstances, I would be freaking out and wanting the test tomorrow. But, this time I'm not. I just don't see what he sees. Granted, I'm not a Doctor. But, I might as well be after 4 kids, not to mention my NICU time! I'm not rushing off to the test without some further information. First and foremost, I want him to get the rest of her records (they are still at Tyndall thanks to no one informing us we needed to fill out forms, but that's another blog for another day). Then, I want him to get the records for my other 3 children and compare. I did some of this on my own today. I called Tyndall, and I got Lucas' 12 month head circumference. And guess what?! It's almost identical to Aubrey's! I couldn't get Lily and Sydney's due to their's being in an old format that the computer didn't recognize, so we need hard records for those. And finally, I want to know what the test will entail. How will she be kept still and will she be sedated and for how long and where will the test be?

Like I said, I tend to err on the side of caution, but my mommy instincts are just telling me that she's no different than the rest of us and just has a good sized noggin. Big noggin = big brain right?! Not to mention, upon looking up signs for hydrocephaly, she shows not a single one of the other symptoms besides the above average circumference.

There are pictures of her from her birthday in my Novembers blog posts, so go ahead and look for yourself. Tell me if you think it's extremely enlarged as the Dr stated based on the circumference measurements.

Coincidentally, I also found in my research that breastfed infants tend to have a larger head circumference than formula fed babies during the first year of life (most in the 95%). And I'd be willing to place a bet that those charts are based on formula fed infants!

Anyway, I am worrying, because I'm a mom and that's what I do. I'm not freaking out though. I'll keep y'all posted.


PSUMommy said...

I wouldn't worry too much yet, either. You have great mama instincts! I'd be willing to bet the charts are based on formula-fed babies, too. Most are. Keep us udated!!

Carrie said...

Stick with your instincts! Doctor's see numbers and reports, you see your children and you know them.