Yes, it's over. I am SO glad! Kinda. We had an AWESOME Christmas! My kids were absolutely thrilled with every single present they recieved! They were perfect little angels as well!
The only thing better, would be that if got to see the rest of our families, but since that couldn't happen, we made the best of it and had a really great Christmas with our little (ok, big) family!
Gerald and I finally laid our heads down on the pillow sometime between 2 and 3 a.m. Sydney was first to rise at 7:14. Lily quickly followed, and we had to wake up the last two. It started out very calm and organized and quickly turned into mayhem! 6 people worth of presents is a LOT! Only one present was opened by the wrong kid, and it just so happened to be Lily opening Lucas', and he didn't care a bit. Whew!
Due to not having a charger, we almost had to do without our camcorder, but I am so glad I got it all on video! We watched last years video and it almost made me tear up seeing how much my babies have changed! I had to turn the camera off a little early though because of the amount of presents to be opened! The kids got so much, I couldn't even start to list it all. Gerald was spoiled as well. I got most of what was on my list too! My new table for scrapbooking has to be exchanged though. I took it out to set it up tonight and the corners are just smashed. :( Not sure when I'll get my new one since the lines will be crazy for a while. I've waited this long, I suppose I can wait a little longer.
Santa Came!
We had an absolutely to die for dinner! It consisted of Ham, potatoes au gratin, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, candied yams (plain sweet potato for Aubrey), corn, and rolls. Wow. I just realized how many carbs we ate today! LOL! We all ate a TON and barely had enough room for the pumpkin and lemon meringue pies I had made nevermind, the dozens of cookies I had baked earlier in the week!
She was full of ham and sweet potato!
Some friends of ours came over for a few hours in the evening to hang out since they were spending their first Christmas away from their family. It was nice to have the company, and I think it was good for them as well. In the military, our friends are family too!
And with that, I'll end this post. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a Happy New Year! Here's to 2009!
~God Bless
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