The girls both love their teachers and look forward to going to school everyday. Hopefully it continues!
In Aubrey news, she is still trying and I use that word loosely, to potty train. In other words, she gets to sit on the potty a few times a day and when I have some down time (very rarely), I'll let her go diaperless and take her to the potty every 15 minutes. I'm not pushing this whatsoever, but if she's ready and willing, I'm going to follow her lead. My little girl is growing up right before my eyes. I do "school time" with Aubrey and my other daycare children just about everyday. For Aubrey this means, coloring, painting, singing the alphabet, days of the week, months of the year, etc...My smart little girl can already count to 10! Ok, so it's not perfect, but I think she does quite well for not even being 2 yet!