Tuesday, August 11, 2009

One more thing...

I'm trying to rename my blog. Tails from the Sims isn't really fitting since none of this blog has anything to do with our animals or at least the ones that have tails anyway... And I'm guessing some that come across my blog think I just don't know how to spell.

So, if you have any catchy ideas, send 'em my way via comment or email!

No fancy photography...

I have to say, this has been a pretty enjoyable month. We haven't done anything extraordinary, but I think that's the reason why it's been enjoyable. I've found that despite the work it entails, saying yes is so much more fun than having to constantly say no. We've taken quite a few field trips, go to the pool every Wednesday, stay up just a few more minutes, have a popsicle or two, you get my drift... I am finding myself a much happier person with much happier children!

Of course, I couldn't leave you hanging without photographic proof! Remember, these are completely unedited, unposed, unprofessional images capturing the happiness that is found around my house lately!

Enjoy! We are!

Lucas' Mean Face. Scary huh?

But those butt dimples...To die for!

I had to include this action shot!
She was watching the water spray right past her!

Good aim Sydney!

I'd never let my kids play in the dirty car wash water.
Never. Not me.

Here's that popsicle or two. And isn't that baby yummy too?
Dressing up like Daddy!
Daddy has spoiled her and she only likes him to put her to sleep!
If you are on Facebook, you might have read about my
excursion with 10 kids and the faulty play-doh...

I know it's been a long time and I'm not doing a fantastic job keeping up with the blog, but I just can't apologize! LOL! We have less than a month left till school is back in full swing and I want more pictures just like the ones above! If I'm on the computer, no pictures are being made...